3 Ways To Make A Spouse's Birthday Party Extra Special

Business Blog

If you are throwing a birthday for your spouse that needs to be extra special and fun, then consider doing a few extra things that are out of the ordinary for a party. Here are 3 ways to make a spouse's birthday extra fun and special.

Party Rentals

First, rent a few items for the party or at least one big item. This could be a popcorn machine along with a movie projector for an outdoor movie night. You could also rent a photo booth, a cotton candy machine, gaming systems, or sound systems.

Any of these items can really boost the fun level at a party depending on the theme. Just think about something that will wow and impress your spouse, and this will help you to decide.

If you choose to use a party rental or two, then you can save some money by going to the rental store, like Area Rent-Alls Equip Rental, to pick up the items. The only real reason to have them deliver the items is if they need to be set up in a particular way.

A Theme

Second, choose a theme for the party instead of just throwing a random party together. A theme can get everyone excited for the big party, and you can more easily decorate and decide on food for the occasion.

For example, if you are doing an outdoor movie night, then people can bring blankets, chairs, and pillows to enjoy the movie. You can then have little popcorn containers for each person, and you can also make it like a Hollywood movie night or make the theme centered around the movie. 

If, for example, you were doing an '80s movie, then everyone could be dressed up in '80s attire, and your food would match the occasion.


Lastly, you need to have a few activities planned for the evening if none of the activities are going to last very long. A movie night is pretty simple to plan, but if you are doing a carnival-type party, then you need to plan specific events.

For example, you could have a performer come and do something for 30 minutes. If people in your group like magic, then hire a magician. 

You can also do games that allow people to compete against each other in games, and then they can win prizes. This will keep people interested throughout the night so that they are not just standing around.

By doing these 3 things, you can create a special and successful party for your spouse so that everyone has a good time.


27 January 2015

Using A Professional Appointment Scheduling Service

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