Bottling Your Own Beverages? A Few Things To Consider For The Label

Business Blog

Whether you are brewing your own beer and wine at home, or have a plant where your products are made, having the right label is important. Even if you are not going to be selling or giving bottles away, you should still always know what is inside, what it was made from, when it was made, and when it was bottled. You can choose to go with labels that attract attention or something simple. Consider what you are going to do with the product, who it is going to and then decide which type of label to go with.

Label Size

When it comes time to order labels (from outlets such as Northwest Label), the first thing you will need to decide is what size you need. Look at the bottle. You do not want the label to take over the whole front or back. People like to be able to see what is inside. However, a label that is too small will look odd on a large bottle. Go with something that will be readily visible but not hide what is inside.

Custom or Generic Labels

Now decide if you want to have generic labels or something custom made. You may be able to get blank custom labels that were overstocked for a different customer at a discounted price. They may be embossed, foil or a special color. Keep in mind, once the overstock is gone, if you want to have the same type of label the next time, you will have to custom order them. Generic labels can be printed for your own customization.

Printed or Blank

If you are going to use the same paper and background design for a number of different products, order a large quantity of blank labels and then print them yourself. Blank labels are also good if you make small amounts at a time. This allows you to print the label with the proper dates and not worry about having too many for a batch. However, printed labels are best if you have a large production and do not want the added task of making all the labels. In most cases, a large order of printed labels will save you money on ink and won't wear out your printer.

Self-adhesive or Not

Finally, decide whether you want to brush glue onto each bottle and apply the label, or if you want to pull a paper off the label and just stick it on. Some feel glue holds the label better, especially if the bottle is going to perspire a bit. Others prefer the ease of just sticking the label on without worrying about dripping glue getting everywhere.

You took a lot of time to devise the recipe and make your beverage. Even if you are doing more than drinking it at home, it deserves to have a label detailing the hard work you put into it. Take pride in your creation and let anyone who sees it know all about it with a label.


5 January 2015

Using A Professional Appointment Scheduling Service

Hey everyone, it's Wesley Poklies here. I'm an extremely busy owner of three separate businesses. I always take the time to stop in and see how my employees and clients are doing. However, I cannot take the time to personally schedule appointments with interested parties. Instead, I hired a personal scheduling professional to perform this service for me. All of my appointments are made through this entity using the calendar I provide at the beginning of each month. I just follow the given schedule to make sure my clients and employees receive the attention they need. I will explain the benefits of using this type of service for your company on my website. Furthermore, I will discuss how this service works for professionals in every industry. Thanks for stopping by.